Privacy Disclosure Statement

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iLoan Financial Solutions Pty Ltd., ABN 72 663 794 312, (‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’) collects information about you for the purposes set out in this privacy disclosure statement.

Providing information about another person

When you give us personal information about another person you represent that you are authorised to do so and agree to inform the person that we have collected their information as part of this application and of the contents of this Privacy Statement and Consent.

Purposes for collecting personal information

We collect your personal information to assess and process an application for credit and to submit that application to one or more of the credit providers set out in the Schedule at the end of this document.

We, and the credit provider(s) we submit your application to, may also collect your personal information (including, where permitted by law, your credit-related personal information) for the following purposes:

  • to assess and process an application for credit (as relevant):
    • which you have completed, whether you do so on your own behalf or on the behalf of a company for which you are a representative; or
    • in which you are named, for example, as a guarantor, co-applicant or, where the applicant is a company, the representatives of that company;
  • to execute instructions;
  • to manage the relationship with you including for example, to assist you in managing your obligations;
  • to comply with legislative or regulatory requirements;
  • for internal processes including product development, strategic planning, risk management and pricing;
  • to meet our obligations including in relation to credit reporting systems, government bodies and our funding arrangements;
  • to identify you;
  • to enforce our rights, including by engaging a debt collection agency; and
  • (unless you tell us not to) contact you to discuss other products that may be of interest to you or the company you represent.

If you do not provide this personal information, we or the credit provider may be unable to provide you with credit and/or services. The collection of your personal information may be required by the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 and National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009.

Personal information about you may also be exchanged with credit reporting bodies (CRBs). CRBs may include information about you in reports provided to credit providers and agents of credit providers (which can include us) to assist in assessing your credit worthiness.

Persons with whom personal information is exchanged

We may exchange your personal information with credit providers.

We, and the credit provider(s) to whom we submit your application, may also exchange your personal information (including, where permitted by law, your credit-related personal information) to:

  • each of the respective parties’ related bodies corporate, agents, contractors, service providers (including debt collection agencies) or external advisers;
  • information service providers including CRBs, parties that assist in verifying your identify and providers of fraud detection services;
  • law enforcement, regulatory and government bodies as permitted or required by law;
  • other credit providers (including ones that are not listed in the Schedule);
  • any person we consider necessary to execute your instructions;
  • any person who is named in an application including for example, guarantors, co-applicants or, where the applicant is a company, the representatives of that company;
  • persons in connection with a securitisation arrangement or wholesale funding of your loan; and
  • any person who is considering whether to acquire or who has acquired:
    • our business or the business of the credit provider or insurer (as relevant) or part thereof; or
    • the rights or obligations under the contract that has been entered into with you.

We may exchange your personal information with other credit providers (including information derived from a CRB) for the following purposes (as applicable):

  • to assess an application for credit;
  • to consider whether or not to accept you as a guarantor or security provider;
  • to collect overdue payments, to manage credit, to help you avoid defaulting on your credit obligations and take action in the event of your fraud or other serious credit infringement; and
  • to provide or manage securitised or transferred loans.

If you fail to meet your payment obligations in relation to credit that has been provided or if you commit a serious credit infringement, we or the credit provider may be entitled to disclose this to a CRB.

We, and the credit provider(s) and/or insurer(s) to whom we submit your application, may disclose your personal information (including, where permitted by law, credit-related personal information) to overseas recipients in order to provide services and products and for administrative, data storage or other business management purposes. It is not practicable to list all of the countries to which your information may be transmitted from time to time.

Management of credit-related personal information and CRBs

Our website, and the websites of each credit provider (set out in the Schedule) may contain certain information that we and the credit providers may be required to give you (otherwise known as the ‘notifiable matters’) this includes:

  • information on the credit providers policy about the management of personal information (including credit-related personal information); and
  • details of each CRB with which it deals.

The CRB that we may use are:

EquifaxDun & Bradstreet


PO Box 964


138 332


PO Box 7405, St Kilda Road


13 23 33,

New Zealand

Private Bag 92156

Auckland Mail Centre  AUCKLAND  1142

0800 692 733

New Zealand

PO Box 9589

Newmarket AUCKLAND  1031

0800 362 222

You may obtain these CRB™ policies about the management of credit-related personal information by contacting them on the above details.

You have a right to request a CRB not to use your personal information for:

  • the purposes of pre-screening you for direct marketing by a credit provider; and
  • a period of 21 days if you believe on reasonable grounds that you are, or are likely to be, a victim of fraud.

Some financiers or insurers may choose to provide you with additional information about how they handle your personal information.

Your rights

You have rights to request access and corrections to, personal information (including credit-related personal information) from credit providers and CRBs, and to make a complaint about breaches of privacy law. The privacy policies of the credit provider(s) and (if relevant) the insurer(s), will set how to make a request or complaint and how such requests or complaints are handled

To gain access to, seek correction of, or to complain about the handling of the personal information about you that we hold, contact our Privacy Officer at Privacy Officer, Unit 405 5 Elgar Court Doncaster VIC 3108, or by telephone +61 414433165, or by email

Where an organisation’s policy about that organisation’s management of your personal information is made available online, you generally have a right to request that policy in an alternative form (for example, as a hard copy).

Consent to the handling of your personal information

By accepting the terms of this privacy statement, you:

  • agree that we and each credit provider set out in the Schedule may (as permitted by law):
    • collect, use and disclose your personal information (including credit-related personal information) in the ways set out in this Privacy Disclosure Statement;
    • provide personal information about you to a guarantor, or prospective guarantor to allow them to assess whether to act as a guarantor;
    • (where you are a guarantor or prospective guarantor in relation to an application) obtain a credit report about you from a CRB for the purposes of assessing your suitability to be a guarantor; and
    • (where you or your company has made an application for commercial credit) obtain a credit report about you from a CRB for the purposes of assessing that application for commercial credit;
  • agree that we may:
    • provide you with marketing offers or information about goods or services (including those of third parties) which may interest you (unless you tell us not to); and
    • share your credit report and related information with another credit provider set out in the Schedule if we assist you to apply for a loan with them;
  • authorise us to make a request on your behalf to obtain credit reporting information about your consumer and commercial credit worthiness from a CRB. That information will assist us in providing our services to you. This authorisation ceases and has no effect when we undertake a task on behalf of a credit provider.






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